
Thursday, March 6, 9:45 am — 10:45 am |
The Glass Platform: How We Got Here
Jenny Murphy has been working on the Google Glass developer platform for a year and a half. It's been a wild ride. In this keynote, she will tell you some stories about the challenges faced along the way. These stories will give you insight into how the APIs and design guidelines came to be. Believe it or not, there's more to it than pictures of kittens and puppies.
Jenny Murphy is a Staff Developer Programs Engineer on Google Glass. In this role, she helps developers use Google APIs and technologies to build cool stuff for Glass. Before joining Google, Jenny worked in a wide variety of software engineering roles from robotics at NASA to the architect of a social media startup. She is passionate about writing and education, especially on the subjects of technology and science.
Thursday, March 6, 4:30 pm — 5:30 pm |
Vision: Wear them, Forget them. What that means for the Underlying Breakthrough Technology
In this keynote, Philippe Kahn will discuss the key challenges wearables present: Making things miniature and comfortable as possible, yet allowing individuals to express their personality. Then there is the plug and play infrastructure that needs to work reliably in the background and accommodate a wide ecosystem of heterogenous miniature wearable devices. With wearables, we have the extraordinary convergence of technology and fashion. Whether it's geek fashion or high fashion, our image is a personal expression and a core part of the quantified-self revolution.

Philippe Kahn is the CEO of Fullpower, the creative team behind the MotionX 24/7 wearable technology platform. He studied at the ETH in Zurich Switzerland and Sofia-Antipolis. He received his Masters Degree in Mathematics and a Masters Degree in classical flute, with simultaneous minors in composition and chamber music from the Zurich Music Conservatory.
Philippe is a technology innovator, entrepreneur and a wearable technology pioneer with the MotionX 24/7 technology platform that is at the core of solutions by Nike and Jawbone among, others. Philippe is credited with creating the first camera-phone solution, sharing pictures instantly on public networks. Philippe's publicly transmitted birth picture of his daughter of June 11, 1997 is the first known camera-phone picture.
Kahn has founded four technology companies: Fullpower Technologies (Wearable 24/7 MotionX), LightSurf (the camera-phone), Starfish (wireless synchronization) and Borland (professional development tools). Kahn is the co-author of several dozen technology patents covering wearable, eyewear, smartphone, mobile, imaging, wireless, synchronization and medical technologies.
Philippe is fluent in four languages: English, French, Spanish and German. Besides working passionately with the teams at Fullpower, he spends his time with his family and enjoys sharing his passion for playing classical music and improvisational jazz, as well as sailing, surfing, backcountry skiing and Crossfit. Philippe is also a trustee of the Lee-Kahn Foundation and loves his dogs.