
The speakers at Wearables DevCon have been selected not only based on the wearable technology content in their sessions, but also on past speaking experiences at other conferences – many of which include BZ Media events where we have been able to judge their skills firsthand. During the conference, we’ll ask for your feedback on the speakers and use your feedback to make the conference even better the next time! |
Cecilia Abadie(Click here for classes)
When she's not busy getting the first ticket for driving with Google Glass and fighting it in court, Cecilia is a passionate evangelist about everything digital, a Google Glass Explorer, and a pioneer who spreads the word about wearable devices and the many ways they can change our world. As the founder and CTO of Byte an Atom, she is part of a global development team that researches and develops wearable and mobile applications to deliver experiences that innovate and disrupt the personal and the enterprise realms. Cecilia was born in Argentina and raised in Uruguay, which is where she got her Master Degree on Information Systems, and where she began her career as an international software consultant and developer.
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Matt Abdou(Click here for classes)
Matt is the CEO and cofounder of winklogic and creator of Winkfeed, the first RSS news client for Google Glass. Matt has spoken about wearable technology at several conferences and has been developing wearable apps for three years. He has over 15 years of application development experience and is one of the first independent developers to have Glassware published on Google’s MyGlass app directory. An active member of the Android and Glass development communities, Matt brings unique insights into wearable app development and publication.
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Mladen Barbaric(Click here for classes)
Mladen is co-founder and CEO of Pearl Studios, an award-winning brand and product development firm headquartered in Montreal. The company is known for elegantly disruptive products, such as Misfit SHINE. In addition, he’s served as Chief Design Officer for Misfit Wearables and is on a number of advisory boards of startups and established brands. Starting his career in design at 19, Mladen began by designing cars at Ford. He holds a degree in Industrial Design from CCS in Detroit.
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Ashley Beattie(Click here for classes)
Ashley is a technical co-founder of Kiwi Wearable Technologies, headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Prior to Kiwi, Ashley was the Chief Scientist for Social Impact Agency, a Warship Driver, Complex Systems Researcher and Project Director for the Canadian Forces. In addition to his duties as Kiwi Wearables' Chief Marketing Officer, he is responsible for UX/UI, Application Design and Architecture.
Ashley has extensive technical instructional experience, having delivered Introduction to Programming, Introduction to Algorithms, Applied Systems Thinking and Problem Solving classes on a regular basis to a wide array of audiences. In addition, Ashley is regularly called upon to deliver talks on the Future of Wearable Technology, Startup Best Practices and Social Network Strategies for businesses.
Cary Bran(Click here for classes)
Cary serves as the Senior Director of Innovation and New Ventures at Plantronics. In this role, he leads the research and development of next-generation software and device concepts and products, including efforts to deliver integrations between wearable devices and the next generation of Web browsers. Cary’s background includes more than 15 years of experience developing enterprise collaboration and communications software solutions.
Prior to joining Plantronics, Cary was at Cisco Systems for more than a decade, where he held positions in software architecture, business development and technical strategy. As part of his tenure at Cisco, he led the internal WebRTC evangelism efforts and contributed to the IETF and W3C WebRTC standards development. Cary holds a BS (Cum Laude) in Computer Science from Seattle University and an MBA from the Foster School of Business at the University of Washington.
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Pearl Chen(Click here for classes)
From HTML to LEDs, or Android to Arduino, Pearl takes on a cross-disciplinary approach to her work. With more than 10 years of professional Web development experience, Pearl also tackles more unusual projects such as turning payphones into gumball machines and dynamically creating origami objects from SMS messages. Formerly the Research and Technology Manager at the CFC Media Lab and, more recently a lead front-end Web developer at the TELUS Digital Labs, Pearl is no stranger to trends in emerging technologies.
Pearl works independently as an educator teaching Web development, Android and electronics, while also building tools for other educators. Alongside contributing to open-source educational resources hosted on GitHub, Pearl is a published author and contributed the NFC and Open Accessory API chapters to "Professional Android Sensor Programming." She was also a technical editor for "Make: Wearable Electronics."
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Hussain Chinoy(Click here for classes)
Hussain, currently a senior architect for the leading API/service management company SOA Software, is a software developer and entrepreneur focused on Android and API technologies. As a Glass Explorer since May 2013, he’s spoken at user groups and media outlets on Glass and developing for the new wearable paradigm.
Hussain is also the organizer of the Google Developer Group Northern Colorado and the Society of Glass Enthusiasts Colorado Chapter, a group for Glass explorers and enthusiasts. Previously, he was the Enterprise Architect for the USDA NRCS, leading the agency to adopting TOGAF and standard lifecycle and architecture practices. He also founded and ran two startups based in Colorado during the late 1990s that focused on B2B XML/EDI integration for the financial, manufacturing, and retail sectors.
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Jen Costillo(Click here for classes)
Jen is the Director of Engineering for Bia Sport, a sport wearables company. As a veteran consumer product engineer, she utilizes her decade and a half of embedded systems and sensors knowledge to create new consumer experiences. Her product portfolio includes several human interface devices, ranging from air mice to multi-touch devices, to creating the sensor experience on the Amazon Kindle products.
In addition, she has created wearable performance art works such human gesture recognition to generate music in real-time and environment-responsive costumes. She has presented at Android Builders Summit, Design West (formerly known as the Embedded Systems Conference), and OSCON. Her educational background includes a BS in Computer Engineering from University of Illinois-Urbana and MBA from San Jose State University.
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Luis de la Rosa(Click here for classes)
Luis is a Lead Application Developer at Capital One, making apps to help change how people interact with their money. He is a Glass Explorer and loves the device as well as Android and iOS. Read his blogs about them at luisdelarosa.com. He has led software development teams for more than a decade and loves to share his knowledge with his teammates. Luis is also active on StackOverflow so he can help other programmers around the world and give back to the community.
Prior to mobile, he had been creating Java applications throughout his entire career, leading the development of webMethods Developer, an enterprise-level IDE for B2B integration. It was originally written in Java Swing with a custom application framework, and was migrated to leverage the Eclipse framework as a series of plug-ins and features. As a result, he is very comfortable with Glass and Android Eclipse-based SDK.
Luis has also worked a variety of other technologies to round out his more than 19 years of software development experience, creating Web services in Sinatra and Rails, desktop apps on Mac OS, and client/servers in Smalltalk.
He lives in the Washington D.C. Metro area with his wife and six boys. In his spare time, he plays video games with his eldest sons.
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Goksel Dedeoglu(Click here for classes)
Goksel is the Founder and Lab Director of PercepTonic where he concocts optimized embedded vision solutions for clients with temperamental algorithms. Thanks to the doctoral program at the Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute and seven years with Texas Instruments' R&D labs, Goksel is a recognized expert in Computer Vision with product contributions in automotive safety, video security, and gesture recognition.
Goksel has a track record of 20 patent applications and nine peer-reviewed technical publications. He is a frequent speaker at the Embedded Vision Alliance, where he shares his passion for formulating optimal solutions to unique design and implementation challenges. You can view his demo videos, tutorials, and publications at goksel-dedeoglu.com.
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Mike DiGiovanni(Click here for classes)
Mike is an Emerging Technology Lead at Roundarch Isobar. Since getting his hands on Google Glass, he has created a variety of native applications to explore new use cases for this wearable technology. He has contributed a series of open-source projects to the community so that other developers could get a head start on native Glass development prior to the release of the GDK. He has also explored smartwatch development and is a general wearable enthusiast. Previously, Mike worked on the Nook Color, Nook for Android, and a variety of independent mobile projects.
Within the past year, Mike has spoken about Google Glass at HPX Digital, Screens 2013, the NYC GDG, and AdClub's Media Innovation Day. Most recently, Mike participated as a mentor at Digiday's Mobile Innovation Camp.
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Fabrizio Filippini(Click here for classes)
Fabrizio is a hardware and software lover with extensive experience in bringing products to life from the first draft on a napkin all the way to production.
In 2009, he left his home country of Italy for business studies. After two years, he eventually raised his first ever seed round to start his own company. Fabrizio prefers to work on disruptive technology.
In 2011 he started Trovare in Cambridge, MA, where he currently lives. In 2012 he started Fitbark with another group of people in the NY area. In his spare time he helps companies get off the ground as a mentor, or he works on wireframes or UIs for the next big thing.
Fabrizio, when he is not focusing on his companies, likes to hold lectures, keynotes, or panels about product management, finance, and electronic design. Depending on availability, he holds two-day full-immersion Entrepreneurship courses for university students, and he helps the Italian government implement his social project to help Italians to start more companies. The project has been awarded a government prize in 2010 for the Top 10 ideas to help Italy move forward.
Fabrizio holds a MBA and a Master of Finance from Hult International Business School and a Master in Electrical Engineering from Universita degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia "Enzo Ferrari."
Zack Freedman(Click here for classes)
Zack is a professional hardware hacker and wearable developer based out of Hoboken, NJ. After graduating from Stevens Institute of Technology, he founded a hackerspace where he taught coding and product development to over 500 students. His specialties include developing wearable apps, designing and manufacturing connected devices, and human enhancement. He built six heads-up displays before acquiring a Google Glass.
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Vincent Gao(Click here for classes)
Vincent is the Technical Program Manager at Bluetooth SIG. In this role, he works with the worldwide developers on adopting the latest Bluetooth technology and moving it forward. He’s also in several Bluetooth workgroups, focusing on the next generation of Bluetooth standard. Vincent has over 20 years of professional software development experience on embedded, handset and Web. He’s passionate about connecting the physical wearable devices to the vast digital world. He’s also an evangelist about Design for Manufacturability using the industry-proven methods.
Jason Gui(Click here for classes)
Jason Gui is the Co-Founder of Vigo, a wearable device that helps you stay alert. Jason holds degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering, and Marketing and Operations Management from the Wharton School. Previously, he founded Three Fellows, a video show showcasing the lives of international students in the US that garnered millions of views and partnerships with major TV stations, and Xinci.so, the 'Chinese Urban Dictionary'. Jason has been building hardware and software devices ever since he built a dumpling-maker out of Lego as a kid. He has lived in China, New Zealand, Australia and now resides in San Francisco.
Chris Herbert(Click here for classes)
Chris is the co-founder and CEO of Phone Halo. As CEO, Chris assists with sales, marketing, strategy, and leads the technical development of the Android and iPhone apps that interact with 4.0 devices. Chris was the lead developer behind Phone Halo’s first Bluetooth solution in 2010. Since 2010, Chris has developed eight commercially available Apps that interact with Bluetooth 4.0 devices. Phone Halo currently works directly with the Google Android Bluetooth team as well as the Samsung Bluetooth team to improve the Bluetooth 4.0 ecosystem for all developers.
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Benjamin Joffe(Click here for classes)
Benjamin is a General Partner at HAXLR8R with 14 years experience in Asia, startups and business strategy. He has spoken at numerous events and has written and been quoted in TechCrunch, The Economist, Bloomberg and more. He is an angel investor in 11 startups, speaks six languages and currently lives in Shenzhen, China.
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Philippe Kahn(Click here for classes)
Philippe is the CEO of Fullpower, the creative team behind the MotionX 24/7 wearable technology platform. He studied at the ETH in Zurich Switzerland and Sofia-Antipolis. He received his Masters Degree in Mathematics and a Masters Degree in classical flute, with simultaneous minors in composition and chamber music from the Zurich Music Conservatory.
Philippe is a technology innovator, entrepreneur and a wearable technology pioneer with the MotionX 24/7 technology platform that is at the core of solutions by Nike and Jawbone among, others. Philippe is credited with creating the first camera-phone solution, sharing pictures instantly on public networks. Philippe's publicly transmitted birth picture of his daughter of June 11, 1997 is the first known camera-phone picture.
Philippe has founded four technology companies: Fullpower Technologies (Wearable 24/7 MotionX), LightSurf (the camera-phone), Starfish (wireless synchronization) and Borland (professional development tools). Kahn is the co-author of several dozen technology patents covering wearable, eyewear, smartphone, mobile, imaging, wireless, synchronization and medical technologies.
Philippe is fluent in four languages: English, French, Spanish and German. Besides working passionately with the teams at Fullpower, he spends his time with his family and enjoys sharing his passion for playing classical music and improvisational jazz, as well as sailing, surfing, backcountry skiing and Crossfit. Philippe is also a trustee of the Lee-Kahn Foundation and loves his dogs.
Victor Kaiser-Pendergrast(Click here for classes)
Victor is the developer on DriveSafe and an undergraduate computer science student at Rutgers University. When he’s not occupied with classwork, Victor is busy working on various commercial and research projects. He started developing for Android in 2008, and from there he’s worked on research into computer vision, natural language processing, parallel computing, web backends, and most recently, applications for Google Glass.
He’s always on the lookout for intriguing technological developments, and more than willing to collaborate on ideas with potential. In this past year, Victor has a patent pending for a novel means of image recognition and published a book "Elementary Android App Development."
Rachel Kalmar(Click here for classes)
Rachel is a data scientist at Misfit Wearables, where she wrangles noisy data and tries to quantify anything and everything she can. A Stanford neuroscience PhD, she's spent over a decade using data to explain, predict and influence behavior. She is active in the Bay Area hardware community and runs Sensored, a more than 1,000 person meetup group for people working on sensor devices and applications (meetup.com/Sensored). Rachel is an alum of the d.school, Singularity University, and Rock Health, and her favorite hashtag is #geekparadise.
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David B. Karlin(Click here for classes)
David has over 30 years of experience in product development and technology-based strategic marketing. Since joining Hillcrest in 2005, Dave has been a member of the company’s executive management team where he has held positions encompassing account and program management, product development, strategic planning and operations. Dave is currently responsible for Hillcrest’s product strategy and product management activities.
Prior to joining Hillcrest, Dave served as Senior Manager of Strategic Marketing for Agilent Technologies’ Multi Industry Business Unit, as the Senior Manager of Product Planning for the company’s Measurement and Analysis Software and Technology Operation, and as a Director of New Ventures. During his tenure at Agilent, Dave directed the formation and implementation of innovative business, product and technology initiatives, covering the spectrum of digital to Ultra-Wideband signals with market applications in cellular, WLAN, aerospace/defense, industrial, and education.
As an R&D manager and engineer for Hewlett-Packard, Dave led the invention, development, and market delivery of more than a dozen significant test and measurement instrumentation solutions, critical to the deployment of LAN, WAN and ATM data communication services during the last two decades of the 20th century.
Dave earned his bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering from Cornell University. As a Hewlett-Packard Fellow, he was awarded a master of science degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University.
Sonia Koesterer(Click here for classes)
Sonia, Senior Interaction Designer at Fjord, believes in creating a more empowering world one experience at a time through service design. Over the past decade, she has helped clients across a broad range of industries reimagine the products and services that touch our daily lives. From designing automotive experiences, to consumer electronics products, healthcare services, enterprise solutions, and everything in between, she has worked to bridge the gap between customer insights, innovative design solutions, the clients’ business objectives, and technical feasibility.
Sonia is a senior interaction designer at Fjord, a service design consultancy in San Francisco. Previously, she has worked at Smart Design, Johnson Controls, and she studied at Carnegie Mellon University.
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Tejas Lagvankar(Click here for classes)
Mobile enthusiast, mobile developer, mobile human being. Tejas started mobile development way back with Symbian and made his way into developing Android apps right from its inception in 2008. He is extremely passionate about mobile and wearable technology, and has won both the Google Glass hackathons (Mirror API as well as GDK) organized by Google. When he is not working, Tejas likes to play ping pong, his ukulele and the piano -- and sometimes at the same time.
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Dario Laverde(Click here for classes)
Dario is a senior developer evangelist at HTC. He has experience in software development for mobile, embedded, Web and enterprise. Among his various professional roles, he has worked as an Android instructor, consultant, Java architect, author and entrepreneur. Dario leads the NYC-GDG (Google Developer Group), the NYCJava JUG, and co-organizes the New York Android Developers Meetup. He also runs the New York City-based skylight1 open-source Android project group that is currently producing Google Glass projects.
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Jim McKeeth(Click here for classes)
As developer relations lead evangelist at Embarcadero Technologies, Jim is a key part of Embarcadero’s evangelism team and developer community outreach. Jim is a world-renowned and well-respected Delphi expert with more than 20 years of programming experience. He is an active member of the global Delphi community. He is the creator of the popular Podcast at Delphi.org interview program.
He speaks at many industry and company conferences and events all across the globe. Jim is also a regular speaker at user group meetings, and runs the local Google Developer Group in Boise, Idaho. Jim holds the patent for the swipe to unlock and pattern unlocks used on both iPhone and Android phones, plus a number of other computer and software related patents. He is passionate about helping developers move their ideas and applications forward to new levels and to new platforms.
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Jeris JC Miller(Click here for classes)
Jeris JC Miller began her technology career by working for BBN communications on the DARPA|ARPANET program in the mid 1980s. She has been a program manager for Tektronix, Intel and Microsoft, where she served as Digital Media Judge for Microsoft’s Imagine Cup competition.
As a first-generation Beta Tester for the Google Plus program, Jeris developed and acted as Executive Producer for the first G+ Platform integration into a TED|TEDx event by partnering with the Google Hangouts Engineering team on a global HangOut broadcast concert and the first HangOut broadcast streamed from mainland China.
As a member of The Glass Squad, she was selected to be one of five Glass Explorers to create remote location Glass films as part of the Find Your Island Challenge program competition on behalf of Lee County Florida (which she won). The Find Your Island Challenge program disrupted the Travel and Adventure Travel industries, was featured in Mashable, ABC and NBC, and has generated 70 million viewer impressions to date. Jeris launched and leads the Seattle Glass Explorers Artists & Developers Incubator and Community.
Jeris provides social media consulting for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and has launched the TEDx movement in the Puget Sound Region, which includes serving on steering committees for TEDxSeattle, TEDxChange, TEDxRainier and TEDxBellevue. She is a member of TEDWomen.
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John Montgomery(Click here for classes)
As VP of Project Delivery at uTest, John is responsible for refining the company’s project management systems and processes to ensure customer satisfaction. In this role, John has also been tasked with helping uTest scale its capabilities to keep up with its expansive growth. He has held senior positions in quality assurance, engineering, and operations at Openwave, Polycom, SPL WorldGroup and Oracle.
At Oracle, John led a global Quality and Development team responsible for engineering productivity tools and test automation. He also developed and implemented test engineering methodologies for Vantive, PeopleSoft and JD Edwards. John earned his degree in International Business Management from Texas A&M University.
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Ron Munitz(Click here for classes)
Ron is an entrepreneur and a software development consultant with long history developing performance and safety critical software, leading development groups, and training application and platform developers.
He specializes in all aspects of distributed systems and Android internals, and considers himself to be lucky enough to combine most of his research interests into practice, as the founder and CTO of Nubo, the first Remote Android Workspace for the Enterprise.
When not solving complex real-world problems, Ron shares his knowledge about Mobile Security, Application development, and Android Internals all over the world.
He is the author and lecturer of the first-ever academic "Introduction to Android Internals" course, taught at Afeka College of Engineering. Ron holds a Master's of computer science (with distinction) from Bar-Ilan University in Israel.
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Jenny Murphy(Click here for classes)
Jenny is a Staff Developer Programs Engineer on Google Glass. In this role, she helps developers use Google APIs and technologies to build cool stuff for Glass. Before joining Google, Jenny worked in a wide variety of software engineering roles from robotics at NASA to the architect of a social media startup. She is passionate about writing and education, especially on the subjects of technology and science.
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Mark Murphy(Click here for classes)
Mark is the founder of CommonsWare and the author of "The Busy Coder’s Guide to Android Development," among other books on Android application development. He is active in supporting the Android developer community, from answering questions on StackOverflow to publishing sample code and reusable components as open source.
A three-time entrepreneur, his experience ranges from consulting on open-source and collaborative development for the Fortune 500, to application development on just about anything smaller than a mainframe. He has been a software developer for nearly three decades, from the TRS-80 to the latest crop of mobile devices. Mark teaches Android application development worldwide for the public and for corporate customers.
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Anupam Nath(Click here for classes)
Anupam works as a Software Engineer and Developer Evangelist at Sony Mobile. He has previously developed Android apps for various start-ups and has created apps from scratch to publishing. His mobile experience goes back to Symbian days, when he used to develop apps for S60 and earlier Symbian phones. He is an enthusiastic advocate for Android development, mobile platforms, software architecture, and HTML5.
Ray Potter(Click here for classes)
Ray is the CEO and Founder of SafeLogic. Under Ray’s leadership, SafeLogic has developed encryption modules for a variety of platforms. SafeLogic’s newest product, CryptoCompact, was designed specifically for integration within wearables.
Ray, the co-author of "FIPS 140 Demystified: An Introductory Guide for Vendors," has been published in Information Security Magazine, leads the FIPS 140 Open Forum on LinkedIn, and is a frequent speaker in industry forums and conferences on the subjects of information assurance, risk management, and compliance. Most recently, Ray unveiled CryptoCompact during a presentation at CTIA’s MobileCon event on wearables. He was also named a speaker for the 2014 RSA Conference, where he will present “Crypto for Constrained Devices” to an international audience.
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Thomas Sarlandie(Click here for classes)
Thomas, Developer Evangelist at Pebble, grew up in France with a passion for computers and the Internet, and was barely an intern during the first Internet bubble. Since graduating, Thomas has enjoyed several entrepreneur lives. In Europe until 2012, Thomas co-founded and was CTO of Backelite, the French leading mobile development agency, for six years. He then moved to the San Francisco Bay Area to later join Pebble to define the future of wearable computing!
Very curious of all technical things, Thomas has built robots, enjoyed long distance amateur radio, kernel drivers hacking and security testing. When not in front of a computer, he sails, takes pictures or tries to understand Yoga.
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Mark Scheel(Click here for classes)
Mark is the Android Platform Lead for a major consumer application in the medical vertical with over 4 million downloads from the Google Play store. He is also President of Digital Construction, a technology consulting firm focused on Android.
As Google Glass explorer #117, Mark has experienced the exciting growth of wearables first hand as a consumer and developer of wearable experiences. A decorated former classroom teacher experienced with middle school to college age students, Mark has taught technology sessions to industry leaders around the United States,from Boston to San Francisco, Portland, Dallas, and Denver too.
Mark has several graduate degrees and although he has finished many half IronMan triathlons, he never finished his Computer Science PhD. Mark also loves to trail run and snowboard in his home state of Colorado when he isn't hacking.
Jake Steinerman(Click here for classes)
Jake is the co-founder of DriveSafe, a new startup focused on enhancing driver safety with Google Glass. Based in Michigan, home of the Motor City, he's passionate about demonstrating Glass' benefits behind the wheel, and is excited at the possibilities that the wearables industry will bring to our cars. Jake graduated from the University of Michigan in 2012 where he received a BS in Social Computing, and founded MoBlue Tech, a company focused on developing mobile apps for individuals with mental and communicative handicaps.
By day, Jake works at a Fortune 50 company and is focused on bringing enhanced collaboration capabilities to the enterprise. Overall, he's passionate about utilizing technology, both hardware and software, to make the world just a bit smaller, and a lot safer.
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Moe Tanabian(Click here for classes)
Moe is the Director of Mobile Technology and the User Experience Lab at Samsung in the Bay area. He is a senior Mobile Technologist and Strategist with extensive international experience, as well as a key influencer of several leading-edge mobile technologies and their evolution from both technical and business perspectives.
In the past, Moe worked for Amazon leading the efforts for building and delivering Amazon Android Appstore on Kindle Fire and HD devices, and for the wireless division of Nortel as a lead architect for CDMA and UMTS infrastructure products.
Moe is a frequent speaker at major industry events, and is often quoted by the media on the evolution of wireless technologies, smartphones and Android in particular. He holds a Master's degree in Systems and Computer Engineering from Carleton University, Ottawa, and an MBA from Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario.
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Ashish Vaid(Click here for classes)
Ashish is a senior-level enterprise architect and a developer with over 15 years of experience. As a lead developer and architect, he has worked directly with such clients as eHarmony, First American Title, Coke and Pfizer. At SOA Software, Ashish is a Sales Engineering team lead for North America and Australia, with responsibility for hands-on strategic sales support and development of proofs of concept. Previously, Ashish served as Senior Software Architect at SOA Software.
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Brandyn White(Click here for classes)
Brandyn is the co-founder of Dapper Vision Inc., and leads the OpenShades project with the goal of advancing research and development on Google Glass. He developed the WearScript library, which makes hacking on Glass as easy as making a webpage. He is also a faculty researcher and Ph.D. candidate at the University of Maryland.
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Lawrence Wong(Click here for classes)
Lawrence is an early adopter of Android and Google Glass. He has been using Google Glass to develop Glassware and has presented on Google Glass in three continents and 15 cities. Previously, he was a Tech Lead for Enterprise Web Applications at KPIT, a Mobile Software Developer at T-Mobile and CTO at stealth startup. He organizes SV Google Glass Developers and Designers Meetup Group, as well as GDG East Bay.